
Showing posts with the label 60 pilot whales

Seaquake Causes 60 Pilot Whales to Beach in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand (11/04/14)

THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY WHALES MASS STRAND! The news media informs that two different pods (~60 pilot whales) stranded inside Ohiwa Harbor, located a 38.000S; 177.119E In my opinion, these whales began their stranding journey as one pod, but ended up separated at night either by a storm at sea, sharks, or a combination of both. The pod was injured on October 13, 2014 by rapid and excessive changes in ambient water pressure experienced above the epicenter of a shallow 6.2 mag. earthquake that occurred off West Cape, South Island (see below). The US Navy funded research published in 1972 shows that the average seabed earthquake could generated a series of vacillating pressure changes bouncing between 300 psi above and 300 psi below ambient pressures ( Link ). It's simply a matter of physics -- if the degree and speed of the changes in cranial air volume exceeds the whales counterbalancing mechanisms, they will suffer torn/bruised sinus membranes (barosinusitis) and/or damag...