
Showing posts with the label New Zealand

Seaquake Causes Three Sperm Whales to Beach at Golden Bay, New Zealand (November 22, 2014)

THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY WHALES BEACH THEMSELVES In what became a Golden Bay, New Zealand community event, hundreds of people turned up at Rototai beach (48.829S by 172.828E) to see and touch three dead sperm whales that had become stranded on Saturday night, November 22, 2014. The whales, which ranged in length from 14 to 17 meters long were located about one km out on tidal flats. The three whales were towed by tug boat to Farewell Spit last night, once the tide was high enough to move them. Department of Conservation biodiversity programme manager Hans Stoffregen said DOC had received a phone call from Rototai residents saying there were whales milling about at sea. "This morning we got a call from residents saying they were stranded." The quake that caused this event occurred on October 5th at 8:24 pm Wellington time. The stranding occurred 48 days after their injury, which explains why they died so quickly after stranding. I suspect they became trapped inside a c

Seaquake Causes 60 Pilot Whales to Beach in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand (11/04/14)

THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY WHALES MASS STRAND! The news media informs that two different pods (~60 pilot whales) stranded inside Ohiwa Harbor, located a 38.000S; 177.119E In my opinion, these whales began their stranding journey as one pod, but ended up separated at night either by a storm at sea, sharks, or a combination of both. The pod was injured on October 13, 2014 by rapid and excessive changes in ambient water pressure experienced above the epicenter of a shallow 6.2 mag. earthquake that occurred off West Cape, South Island (see below). The US Navy funded research published in 1972 shows that the average seabed earthquake could generated a series of vacillating pressure changes bouncing between 300 psi above and 300 psi below ambient pressures ( Link ). It's simply a matter of physics -- if the degree and speed of the changes in cranial air volume exceeds the whales counterbalancing mechanisms, they will suffer torn/bruised sinus membranes (barosinusitis) and/or damag