

Researchers say a fossilized whale skull pulled from sandy muck outside Charleston, S.C. indicates that biosonar was being used over 32 million years ago. It also indicates that toothed whales were stranding in the sand over 32 million years ago. These same researchers inform that ancient toothed whales had air sinuses in their heads that enabled their biosonar system. This means that undersea earthquakes have been causing toothed whales to strand in the sand for at least 32 million years.  _________________________________________________ The  Christian Science Monitor Pete Spotts / March 12, 2014, Sperm whales do it. Dolphins do it. Orcas do it. And now, researchers have unveiled the fossilized skull of a 28-million-year-old marine mammal that did it too – used sound to find its next meal or swim safely through turbid waters. After comparing the nearly complete skull with those of other fossil cetaceans, the team placed C. macei on the evolutionary tree just

Blue Whale Killed by Seaquake Strands in Kuwait

Deafwhale Society's earthquake stranding theory explains blue whale beaching! The beached blue whale in this video  was found at Failaka Island off the coast of Kuwait . It was between 15 to 20 meters long. Blue whales are known to be the largest mammals on earth sometimes exceeding 30 meters long.  Kuwait Environment Protection Society  director  Wijdan Al-Eqab said  that blue whales roam many areas in the world including the Indian Ocean from which the beached one at Failaka Island most probably came. She also guessed that the whale had likely lost its way and was carried off by swift currents to the Arabian Gulf .  No reason for its death has been determined as of yet, she said. Blue whales have been spotted in February in the Arabian Sea . The only undersea earthquake that could have injured this whale occurred in the Arabian Sea about 2,000 miles upstream from Kuwait at 11 pm at night. It was extremely shallow (3 km) and very whale dangerous. Mag