
is the seaquake stranding solution flawed as some scientists claim?

Some scientists are reporting that a big seaquake on 30 August 2012 near Jan Mayen Island caused the pilot whales to beach in Scotland. They were mistaken. The quake that caused the beachings occurred on 11 August 2012 along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge . You can read my full report on the stranding at this ( link ). This page will try to limit the damage these misinform scientists have done to the seaquake stranding solution . The scientists said the August 30 quake was responsible. They did not elaborate. The only possible basis of their claim is that hydroacoustic pressure changes generated by natural seafloor upheavals (known scientifically as T-Phase Waves ) can and do enter the deep sound channel and travel for thousands of miles with little energy loss. What the scientists likely suspected was that the 6.7 magnitude quake generated a series of T-Phase Waves that traveled in the deep sound channel at 1,500 miles per hour and caught up with the pod on a

21 pilot whales stranded in the Isles of Skye injured on the Reykjanes Ridge

June 01, 2015: The pod was first spotted at 4.40 pm on Monday (June 1st) off the coast near the city of Staffin, which is situated on Scotland's Isle of Skye. Mike Merritt took a picture of the pod. lost pilot whales spyhopping trying to determine her location Notice that the pod is not swimming in any direction, or diving and feeding. They are sort of drifting along in a relatively calm sea. One whale can be seen raising his head out of the water trying to see what's going on around and near the pod. This is called spyhopping and is strong indication that the pod has no acoustic sense of direction. The loss of their biosonar was most likely due to a previous barotraumatic sinus injury caused by exposure to seismic waves above the epicenter of an earthquake along the Reykjanes Ridge ( see below). Spyhopping behavior is common in pilot whales prior to beaching themselves ( link ). They are obviously trying to see a way out of the jam they are in. The weath