

NOAA Whale Scientists Doing Whale Survey Whale scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are doing a survey to find answers for why 30 dead whales washed up on Alaska's coasts over the last six months . Normally only about 20 wash up so they are calling the matter an unusual mortality event so they can legally open an investigation to supposedly uncover the cause. On July 19, NOAA loaded their new luxury cruise ship, the Reuben Lasker,  with whale experts and other executives and head up to Alaska on trip of lifetime at taxpayer expense. ( link ) As an excuse for the trip, NOAA Fisheries scientists say that are very concerned about the large number of whales stranding in the western Gulf of Alaska in the last 6 months. A NOAA Fisheries' coordinator said in the release, "While we do not yet know the cause of these strandings, our investigations will give us important information on the health of whales and the ecosystems where th

seaquake causes pilot whales to strand in Nova Scotia

Judique, St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia :  On 4 August 2015, 16 pilot whales from a larger pod of about 35 stranded. Eight died. Linden MacIntyre, a former journalist who lives about a kilometre from the site in Judique, said he believes the whales originally beached at McKay's Point, Inverness County, as the tide washed out from under them  sometime early Tuesday morning . ( link ) The clue ( as the tide washed out from under them ) indicates that the whales guided by the incoming tide to the edge of high water mark and lingered there until the tide dropped from under them. They were then considered stranded. This is exactly what should be expected from an entire pod that had lost its acoustic sense of direction. The same appears true in the picture below. You can see the high tide mark near the grass. These whales were guided slowing to the shore as the tide was rising until they could swim no closer. Then, as the tide dropped and the water flow from under them, they we