
Beached Whales in India Injured by Earthquake

Capt David Williams, Chairman Deafwhale Society, the oldest whale conservation group in the world! More than 100 short-finned pilot whales washed up on Indian shores; 80 died on the beach. The rest were towed back to the sea by motor boats. Watch the Video above. Notice the strong wind blowing towards the shore. Also, notice the white-caps and the wind-driven currents washing to the beach. The strong flow of the current is guiding the whales to the sand. They obviously have no sense of direction. This is exactly what one would expect if the pod had suffered a prior pressure-related injury that had disabled their ability to echo-navigate. In other words, their travel path is under the control of incoming current, not the whales. The only logical answer is that they were lost at sea long before they reach the shoreline. The whales began washing up on Monday night January 11, 2016. They came ashore after the tide had dropped to its lowest and started to rise again


On page 36 of his book on sound imaging in the ocean, German underwater acoustic Professor Peter Willie, the former head of NATO's Undersea Research Center, displays three similar sonograms and compares the noise generated by undersea earthquakes and volcanic explosions with that of submarine nuclear explosions of several thousand tons of TNT-equivalent (ref #1).  Professor Willie says earthquake sounds are the loudest underwater sounds ever produced. He also cautions that we should be aware of the underwater rumbling of   "about 7,000 outstanding, dramatic geodynamic earthquake events per year worldwide, each of a thousand tons of TNT-equivalent and more."   He ought to know because it's his job to determine the acoustic differences between underwater nuclear explosions and natural catastrophic events such as earthquakes. Professor Willie also expresses a belief that evolution has somehow intervened to protect whales from undersea earthquakes. I agree. Whales c


notice all the seaweed washed ashore by the current -- the current also washed the lost whales to the same beach by Capt. David Williams read the real reason all whales mass strand I'm a retired sea captain with 50 years of ocean-going experience. I struggled during all those years to understand why pods of whales beached themselves. The only thing that made sense was that they had lost their acoustic sense of direction and swam down current in the path of least drag. This was a no-brainer for me because everything lost at sea floats or swims downstream ─ all sea captains know this. If someone falls off your vessel at night, you always look down current -- never up current. To make it even more of a no-brainer, every sea captain knows that the flow of the current washes sand ashore to build beaches so it just made a lot of sense to me that lost whales would end up on sandy beaches. To boot, the beach was where people hung out. If there are no beaches, there are no