
WHY DO WHALES EAT PLASTIC? We have been bombarded lately with news that the stomachs of the sperm whales recently beached in the North Sea were full of plastic.  It happens quite often. The question is why? It's important because if we understand why whales eat plastic before they beach, then we will know the answer to the centuries-old mystery of whale whales mass strand. Hint #1:  Healthy deep-diving whales can tell the difference between a nice juicy squid and plastic garbage floating on the surface by using a high-frequency echolocation and identification system similar to our ultrasonic medical imaging only 1,000 times better. Dolphins have even been known to use biosonar to tell the difference between pennies minted 50 years ago and the ones minted today based simply on the acoustic reflectivity of the extra copper in the older coins. Dolphins can even use their biosonar to tell when a female is a few months pregnant. The amazing visualization system of toothed wh


29 Sperm Whales Washed Ashore by Strong Wind-Driven Currents Introduction Whale scientists said, "The animals inadvertently consume plastic and plastic waste, which causes them to suffer and starve with full stomachs." ( link ) They blame the stranding on the garbage floating on the oceans. Think about it! How can a pod of majestic sperm whales using the most advanced biosonar system in the world to locate the squid they eat in the total darkness 5,000 meters below the surface might "inadvertently" identify plastic and ropes and other garbage as food? The truth is that these sperm whales had been suffering biosonar failure ever since they were injured by rapid and excessive pressure changes above the epicenter of an undersea earthquake (aka. seaquake). The injury is barotraumatic in nature and mainly affects the enclosed cranial air spaces. Seaquakes are sudden disturbances in hydrostatic pressure caused by an underwater volcanic explosion o