Scientists Blame Hurricane for Killing Dolphins in Florida Bay

Spinner Dolphins Beach in Florida Bay

An unusual scene unfolded in Florida Bay over the labor day weekend: Five spinner dolphins were found nearly lifeless on shallow mud flats, far from home. All suffered from extreme dehydration and severe sunburn (link). Two of the spinners were taken to Sea World in Orlando for additional treatment. One died Sunday and the second, known to be in critical condition, reportedly died Monday. Three more spinner dolphins were found stranded in Everglades National Park waters of Florida Bay on Monday. 

Scientists at the scene told the press that Hurricane Hermine likely drove the spinners into the shallow bay (link). This was a dumb remark for a whale scientists. They know that dolphins have evolved for over 30 million years in a stormed-tossed oceans of the world. If healthy, they instinctively know to move far away from the path of a hurricane. You will never see a healthy dolphin near shore when a storm approaches. On the other hand, if the pod was previously injured by a natural undersea upheaval that caught them by surprise while on a feeding dive, they would indeed lose their excellent seamanship abilities.  

Blaming the stranding on the hurricane is in keeping with the decade-old cover-up of the real reason for mass stranding. This cover-up has been guided and sponsored by the US Navy (link).

As you will learn at the above link, pelagic deep-water dolphins and whales usually strand due to a loss of echo-navigation (barosinusitis) as a result of an encounter with a rapid and excessive series of pressure changes above a shallow seafloor earthquake or volcanic explosion. The barotraumatic sinus injury results in the loss of their sense of direction and their ability to dive and feed themselves (link). 

From the point of injury, they swim in the path of least drag, which is always downstream with the flow of the surface currents (link). The winds of the hurricane might have set the surface flow washing into the Florida Bay but had nothing at all to do with causing the beaching.

The loss of navigation was caused by a shallow-focused magnitude 5.3 undersea earthquake (link) that occurred along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge on 5 August 2016 about 3,200 miles upstream from the stranding area (link). The quake was a vertical thrusting event, the most dangerous kind for diving animals since these events produce the most powerful pressure changes in the hydrospace.

Sinus and middle-ear barotrauma due to rapid and excessive pressure changes in the #1 cause of injury in all divers! The US Navy don't want you to know about sinus barotrauma because this is the exact same injury induced by their God-awesome sonar transducers!


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