
Earthquake Kills 20+ Sei Whales in Chile

NEWS FLASH: EARTHQUAKES KILL 337 WHALES IN CHILE 2015-April-21: More than 20 large sei whales were discovered dead and rotting inside an inlet along the rocky coast of southern Chile. Officials did not know what killed them or when. Researchers ruled out human involvement ( link ). In June, 337 dead whales were discovered south of where the sei whales were found. The was a  5.1 magnitude shallow-focused earthquake that occurred on 13 March 2015 not far from where the whales were found USGS report . On 24 March 2015, there was a more dangerous, vertical thrusting 5.2 magnitude quake ~1,000 km offshore that might have also been responsible ( link ). Surface currents from this offshore quakes would have guided injured whales into the area where the carcasses were found. To make matters even more confusing, the fisherman in the area might be using dynamite to kill whales that they believe are eating their fish. But blast injuries from explosives are much different th

seaquake strands 150 melon-headed whales in Japan

April 10, 2015 : Extreme changes in diving pressure generated during a seaquake caused barotrauma in the cranial air sinuses of a pod of melon-headed dolphins on 22 March (see below). Because they use the air in their sinuses and air sacs serve as acoustic mirrors bouncing, focusing, and channeling returning echo location and navigation clicks in a fashion to make their biosonar work, a pressure-related tear in the membranes of these air spaces knocks out their navigation. They swim blindly downstream in the path of least drag arriving at a 6-mile stretch of Hokota Beach about 60 miles northeast of Tokyo Japan on Friday morning. Words of an AFP journalist at the scene revealed that the pod has no sense of direction. He wrote that despite efforts to push the dolphins to deep water, they were being washed back onto the beach by the incoming surface current ( link ). That they could not swim to freedom against the incoming flow indicates that they have no acoustic sense of direction